

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

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  1. teacher can you gide me about super hero
    by Rehman Azam

    1. Hey Rehman,
      It's so good to see you on your class blog :-). Rehman, it's just a small creative activity which will help you to understand the unit 1 of your Quest book, that is Extremity Man. All you have to do is make up your own super hero from your imagination. How will your super hero be? How will he look like? What kind of super powers will he have? Take some ideas from other super hero's like Superman, batman, Spiderman etc. Just write some ideas, so that I can see your creativity. You can start by telling the name of your super hero and what he aims to protect. I hope this helps. Feel free to ask anything else.
      Happy Writing! :-)

  2. Teacher can you tell if we have to make a picture of our super hero too on a page?

    1. Hi Shahmir,
      Good to see you on your class blog. ;)
      Dear, picture is up to you. If you want to draw your imaginative super hero on paper, I would love to see it. But do focus more on your creative ideas. Write them on a paper first and then you can type and organize them on your blog in the creative writing section.
      Happy Writing!

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Hamzah! WELCOME TO YOUR CLASS BLOG :-)

      Have you thought of any ideas for your imaginative super hero? I am waiting to read about him soon. :-)

  4. teacher thank you for helping me.
    By Rehman Azam

  5. Replies
    1. Yes Deva, you most certainly can. This blog is open for your class, so you don't need any kind of permission to join it. :-)
      What have you thought about your Imaginative Super hero?

  6. teacher do we have to write the full details of our superhero.

    1. teacher I do not no how to download the files

    2. Esson, dear I have shown you how to download the files in class. Just copy then links I have pasted in you blog and paste them in your browser (internet explorer or google chrome). The download button will come itself.

    3. Hey Zainab!
      Sorry for late reply dear, there was some problem with my Internet. Anyways, you can write whatever you want. If you want to tell me the full details of your super hero you are more than welcome. I will love to read about him. :-)

  7. teacher you didn't comment on my superhero or did you?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. teacher do we have to learn about lang and science?

  10. teacher can you show me how to do the work around the world in 80 Days

  11. Teacher now i am learning the spelling test

  12. Teacher please explain how to do "My Spelling Journal" homework given today, 17-9-2013.

    1. Do we have to do in the note book or separate sheets? Please answer as soon as possible. Thank you teacher.
